Each New Year is a time for reminiscence and reflection. Here are things I have taken time to think about (usually in the middle of the night):
- Teenagers and boats have one thing in common – they are both money pits.
- There is no brake pedal on the passenger side.
- My husband is a better driver when I’m in the car. Because he can’t stand loud screams…
- Most people have big feet but are in denial.
- Never let your husband make 5 lbs of potato salad just for the two of you.
- Who says the second piece of cake isn’t as good as the first?
- Homilies have nothing to do with grits.
- Forces of gravity are greatest at belly button level. That’s why fat migrates and stays around the waist line.
- There is no point in baking your own rugelach.
- R-19 is building insulation, not a form of Preparation H.
- Most people are not worth marrying.
- If food doesn’t taste good, don’t eat it.
- Not gaining weight is better than wearing a body shaper.
- Body support or body shaper is just another way to say girdle or “fat squeezer”
- I don’t want to watch a movie on a 2-inch screen.
- The smaller the mosquito, the bigger the itch.
- The world is a very dishonest place.
- Dirty socks can clog up plumbing and flood half the house with water.
- Yes, there is such a thing as TMF (Too Much Fiber).
- Once I’ve spent money, it’s gone. How much is gone depends on whether my husband was around
- TNS (Testicular Neurosis Syndrome) is real. It differs from PMS in that men have it 30 days a month, not 7 days or less.
- Some sisters are worse than others. Like the Rhea sisters (diarrhea, gonorrhea, pyrorrhea…)
- I am never alone when I read a good book. Because the dog wants out, the kids want to go somewhere, and somebody is ringing the doorbell.
- Long lists are no fun to read. So…this is it!